Installing VirtualBox 7.1.0 on macOS and installing a Linux guest machine with Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
This article we outline and explore the steps on how to install and configure Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS on VirtualBox 7.1.0 in a Mac OSx M2 system.
This article we outline and explore the steps on how to install and configure Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS on VirtualBox 7.1.0 in a Mac OSx M2 system.
This article explores the difficulties faced by travelers from India visiting the USA or other countries, especially when dealing with daily transactions on Indian websites that require OTP for login, authentication, or completing transactions. It aims to debunk myths and provide guidance on enabling their Airtel plans to ensure seamless receipt of OTPs, SMS, and notifications sent from India to their Airtel phones abroad.
This article discusses the details behind resolving the blob: (blocked:csp) error and discusses the details behind the Content-Security-Policy implemented within the browsers to provide additional security.
This article discusses the details behind the process that is using port 7000 on a Mac OSX.
This article discusses the details involved when selecting a mobile phone in the USA to ensure network compatibility with regions abroad (especially India) as well as tips on ensuring your device will work in peek performance while you are traveling.
Article shows you how to change your humidifier canister for Honeywell HM750A1000 Advanced Electrode Steam Humidifier.
Article shows you how to convert a json file into yaml by using 'jq' utility.
Article shows you how to remove all occurrences of files .DS_Store and ._.DS_Store in the current directory and all sub-directories under Windows.
Article shows you how to run the VirtualBox 6.1.30 on Windows 11 and get around the compatibility issue.
Article explores the time-block method as a way to manage your daily expenditure of time and presents a revised template that works best for me. See if this template works for you and adapt it if you find it useful. My latest technique is based on a revised method from what Cal Newport has called - The Time-Block Planner.
Copy source file to target location implemented via the bufio library.
Summary of the teck-talk given on 'Getting Started with Kubernetes' by Tiffany Jernigan. Gives you an overview of the fundamentals and latest tips on where the DevOps/GitOps world is evolving with respect to 'Kubernetes'
Python humanize time interval without Arrow or Humanize libraries