
How to configure and install ZeroMQ (libsodium) on CentOS 6.7?

<img src="/img/2015/09/zeromq_logo.png" alt="zeromq_logo"> When getting started on ZeroMQ (version 4.2.0 or above) can be quite challenging especially with all the prerequisites. I’ve spent a good two days to get the process ironed out. So I’m sharing this so that others can avoid the same pitfalls and can have a good head-start with setting up their environment. Pitfall #1: Develop for your platform. I’m accustomed to developing in Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTE but in this case my deployment environment happens to be CentOS 6.

Working with zeromq (0mq), Java, JZMQ on a CentOS platform

Recently I decided to port some of my development using ZeroMQ onto my CentOS development machine and I ran into some challenges. I’m documenting those challenges so that if someone else runs into the same pitfalls I did, they can avoid it. In this example today, we will work with the first “HelloWorld” examples in the ZeroMQ guide found here . I added a few modifications to the sample such as a package name and a try-catch around the Thread and an exception.