
How AI algorithms could help design new drugs? - Futurity

How AI algorithms could help design new drugs? - Futurity

<img src="/img/2017/04/ai.jpg" alt=""> A new kind of AI algorithm—designed to work with a small amount of data—may be able to assist in the early stages of drug development. Artificial intelligence doesn’t work all that well in situations where there is very little data, such as drug development. A new technique called one-shot learning, that requires only a small number of data points might be a solution to that low-data problem.

The Future of Web Development: Coding as a Service

<img src="/img/2017/03/webdevelopment2.png" alt=""> The article talks about the comoditization of web development as a service (Coding as a Service - CaaS). For the price of two Venti Iced Caramel Macchiatos per month you can run a respectable website with little to no technical experience... Artificial Intelligence will enable more complex combinations of code to be fit together through an automated process... The quantity and quality of customization with AI will be staggering.

Python pycharm - configuring remote interpreters from Windows to Linux

If you are an avid Python developer, you may all be excited about the new features available in the Pycharm 2.5 release, especially the remote interpreters, virtualenv and support. You can read more about the new exciting features here . But as I started to tinker with the “remote interpreter” feature - I stumbled upon some challenges and I thought I’d document them for other PyCharm users who might benefit from this blog entry.