Spring Framework

Spring Framework - Application Context - three ways to get to the application context

Spring Framework - Application Context - three ways to get to the application context

This article shows you three different ways how to get to the Spring Framework Application Context in your code. Summary (This is a repost of an older article I wrote in 2010). In searching Google for “Spring ApplicationContextAware ”, you will come across a lot of recommendations and I also see a lot of folks continuing to complain saying that their setApplicationContext method does not get invoked. So to help clarify, I’m blogging a few notes in hope that it helps clarify how the context works.

GWT and Spring Integration - java.net.InetAddress is a restricted class

When trying to integrate both Spring and GWT, one might encounter the following error in the Spring Eclipse IDE: “java.net.InetAddress is a restricted class”. The problem happens when you try to use Spring configuration for your database. In my case, I was using Spring to update data back to a H2 database. Well, here’s one way to deal with this issue. Disable the “Google App Engine”. Yes, based on my research, if you’re using GWT, you can disable Google App Engine and still continue your development with GWT.