
Linux Routes - How to use them?

Linux Routes - How to use them?

<img src="/img/2017/05/route-command.png" alt=""> Examples of Route Command and it’s usage. Source: 7 Linux Route Command Examples (How to Add Route in Linux) To learn the fundamentals of Routing, please visit the link below: Fundamentals of Routing

CentOS7 missing Net-Tools Package and why you should not install it moving forward

<img src="/img/2016/11/centos_logo.png" alt="centos_logo"> In CentOS 7, a lot of the command-line utilities for configuring and troubleshooting network properties like arp, ifconfig, iptunnel, iwconfig, nameif, netstat, route - are no longer there in the new CentOS 7 version. While still included in many Linux Distributions, (and you may be tempted to run - ‘yum install net-tools’ - to get them back into your Linux footprint). But they are considered deprecated and therefore should be phased out in favor of more modern replacements.