Create MP4 video file from Quicktime Mov file on a Mac OS X

Create MP4 video file from Quicktime Mov file on a Mac OS X

If you do a screen recording on a Mac, you are most likely using the free Quicktime player that comes with Mac OS X. If you are lucky enough to own a Quicktime Pro then you can simply do an Export > Save-As MP4. For those of you that do not have a Quicktime Pro, then you can use this option. brew install ffmpeg # After installation, you can traverse into the directory where you have the .

Mac OS X iDRAC7 FileNotFoundException .java/deployment/security/trusted.certs

<img src="/img/2016/11/macosx_blogarticle_100px.png" alt="macosx_blogarticle_100px"> When you connect with a Dell iDRAC virtual console you may encounter the following exception on a Mac OS X FileNotFoundException ~/.java/deployment/security/trusted.certs Here is a simple fix for this: mkdir -p ~/.java/deployment/security cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/security/trusted.certs ~/.java/deployment/security/ Cheers.