Go lang - Revel Web Framework - .gitignore file starter sample

<img src="/img/2016/01/gorevelframework.png" alt="gorevelframework"> For those of you trying to create a new Go Language - Revel Web Framework based project, here is a sample .gitignore file. But before I provide you with the information, we need to discuss the project structure. If you visit the Revel site here , you will see their organization structure of a Revel project. In my case, their my_gocode/ folder is much deeper in what I store in my BitBucket account (or GitHub for that matter).

Grails 2.X .gitignore file

<img src="/img/2013/11/grails.png?w=150" alt="Grails"> With a new Grails 2.X project you run into challenges on which folders to check-in into a GIT repository. You want to remove any non-essential files that Grails can rebuild at run-time. And if you are using either GITHub or BitBucket for your GIT repo’s the default .gitignore file created or provided by GITHub is setup for configured for a Grails 1.X project and not a Grails 2.