Best Practices and Guide To Work-life Balance
Compiled lessons from my life's journey, reflections and finding your balance and harmony.
Using prismjs
start =
# Then call some long running code or function here
end =
diff = end - start
print type(diff)
print diff
days = diff.days # Get Day
hours,remainder = divmod(diff.seconds,3600) # Get Hour
minutes,seconds = divmod(remainder,60) # Get Minute & Second
print(f'Elapsed Time: {days} Days, {hours} Hours, {minutes} Minutes, {seconds} Seconds.')
Why am I doing this?
My manager at work asked me to compile a list of tips and best practices that can be given to a fellow consultant to help guide them on the journey of successful consulting. And so I began writing this article as my way to compile the list of things I have learnt over the years and to distill them into an article.
Lesson 1 - Learn to Adapt
Life is a Journey (with no short-cuts) - Adapt or Perish (Unknown)
In the Eastern philosophy, it is believed that life is a process through which the soul matures and transcends to higher levels of understanding much like a tree. They say that to learn life, watch a tree through it’s seasons.
- First, new leaves come out in spring to catch the rays and collect the energy from the sun.
- then it moves onto making flowers (each tree produces a unique flower and scent to attract a certain type of bee or insect) to help get diversity.
- It then creates fruits in a wide variety of colors, taste and sweetness to attract a particular type of birds and animals that would eat the fruits and help the seeds to be dropped further away from the source to help pass on the next generation and diversity.
- It then moves into the next cycle of shedding it’s leaves to shift the energy collection to the roots for the winter season when the sun is less visible.
Just as the tree adapts and shifts it’s course through the seasons (and it’s life), as consultants, we must also adapt to the growing needs of our customer.
As the needs change, we need to be able to learn new skills, forge new opportunities and adapt to the demands.
Lesson 2 - Know Your Potential
Learn That Within You Is An Infinite Reservoir of Infinite Possibilities At Each And Every Moment! (Unknown)
Whenever you are down (or feeling miserable) think of the first caveman that created the first fire by striking two rocks and seeing the spark. And understand that it was that simple spark that led to everything you see today all the way down to the quantum computers, language, tool making and the beautiful poems by Rumi. If that caveman had given up on that day, imagine the loss to humanity today! So when you feel down in the valley, all you have to do is take a small step (and another step and so on) to infinite possibilities! Remember That Life Gives You A U-Turn At Every Moment! So start today and build your tapestry of Life!
Lesson 3 - Make Yourself Known
A Crying Baby Gets The Milk (Unknown)
If you don’t ask, you won’t get (Steve Jobs)
Advertise, Advertise, Advertise! Be Action-Oriented and Don’t Let The Naysayers Get To You. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
(This is an excerpt from one of his College speeches) The difference between Mr.Universe and the another guy that trained at the same gym