Software Development

Javascript: Embrace Arrow Functions

Javascript: Embrace Arrow Functions

<img src="/img/2017/05/es6icon1.png" alt=""> Great article on JavaScript currying and arrow functions. Here is an example of a function in Javascript: const secret = function (msg) { return function () { return msg; }; }; The same function as currying or arrow function: const secret = msg => () => msg; To learn more about the basics, visit the link below. Source: Familiarity Bias is Holding You Back: It’s Time to Embrace Arrow Functions

Elements of JavaScript Style – JavaScript Scene – Medium

Elements of JavaScript Style – JavaScript Scene – Medium

<img src="/img/2017/05/javascripticon.png" alt=""> Great article focusing on Javascript style. Provides some good examples of JavaScript coding styles, practices, and things to avoid. The examples includes: Make the function the unit of composition. One job for each function. Omit needless code. Use active voice. Avoid a succession of loose statements. Keep related code together. Put statements and expressions in positive form. Use parallel code for parallel concepts. Source: Elements of JavaScript Style – JavaScript Scene – Medium

How AI algorithms could help design new drugs? - Futurity

How AI algorithms could help design new drugs? - Futurity

<img src="/img/2017/04/ai.jpg" alt=""> A new kind of AI algorithm—designed to work with a small amount of data—may be able to assist in the early stages of drug development. Artificial intelligence doesn’t work all that well in situations where there is very little data, such as drug development. A new technique called one-shot learning, that requires only a small number of data points might be a solution to that low-data problem.

uvloop - Python replacement for asyncio event loop

uvloop - Python replacement for asyncio event loop

<img src="/img/2016/09/python_logo.png" alt=""> uvloop is a fast, drop-in replacement of the built-in asyncio event loop. uvloop is implemented in Cython and uses libuv under the hood. Benefits: uvloop makes asyncio 2-4x faster. Cons: uvloop is available from PyPI but it requires Python 3.5. (The reason for this is asyncio was introduced in Python 3.4 and above.) Unless your project is based on Python 3.4+ - you may not be able to leverage this library.