Digital River
Blog focused on software development, architecture and best practices for developing applications leveraging webassembly (WASM), Golang, Python, Rust - deployed using Podman, K8s, Docker images onto Google Cloud and AWS.
Going off-heap to improve latency and reduce AWS bill
Developing email applications on Windows, targeted for Linux environment - email, mailx, sendmail
Grails No profile found for name [web] illegalstateexception
Grails 2.3.5 - grails stop-app - does not stop the app running via run-app
Grails - Adding JavaScript to bottom of page
Grails 2.X .gitignore file
Working with zeromq (0mq), Java, JZMQ on a CentOS platform
Java Tools for Source Code Optimization and Analysis
Not all Tomcat 6 classloaders must be equal
Tomcat 6+: Infamous "SEVERE: Error listenerStart" message - How-To debug this error?
How-To: Change Grails User work and cache directory under windows
Understanding Tomcat Configuration
Add custom jars under "\WEB-INF\lib" in a Maven project
Weblogic 10.3 Heap Size (does not allow 3072mb)
Maven - GWT - Vaadin - including additional custom jars in a maven project under "\web-inf\lib"
GWT and Spring Integration - is a restricted class
JBoss AS6 - Failed to resolve schema nsURI= location=persistence
Weblogic 10.3 - Using clear passwords while in production mode
Notable difference between Apache Ant 1.7.x and 1.8.x - path and pathelement
Spring Framework Samples and Reference Implementations online in svn
Java 6 Gems: Spash Screen for your application
Java 6 Gems: Scripting Framework to support Rhino Javascript and Groovy (natively)
Speeding up your load time for your Java applets and webstart applications
Commonly overlooked feature in Java 5 - varargs
Forwarding to a URL from Wicket