In the News

15 year old teen invents device to detect a silent heart attack six hours before it occurs

15 year old teen invents device to detect a silent heart attack six hours before it occurs

This article was compiled from various blog sites that discussed the invention and details of the invention developed by Akash Manoj - a fifteen year old child prodigy over a three to five year period. The objective of this blog article is to describe his achievement and to provide a scientific detail around his invention (which I found lacking in other articles on-line). I felt that by providing the foundation and a road-map on how he devised the solution will encourage others to follow their inner creativity and dreams to achieve their desires and goals.

Being Thankful During Thanks Giving and Life's Possibilities when fueled by Encouragement, Desire, Strength and Determination

Being Thankful During Thanks Giving and Life's Possibilities when fueled by Encouragement, Desire, Strength and Determination

Dear Reader: I read this article on my cousin’s Facebook page (links below) and it was originally written in Tamil language. I was inspired when I read it and unfortunately Auto-Translate did not do a great job at translating this story and so this Thanks Giving - I wanted to translate this artcle into Engish so that the Engish-speaking readers can be inspired this Thanks Giving holiday of 2017. With a little bit of Encouragement and with Desire, Stength and Determination - all things are possible!

New 'responsive' Google Font can shapeshift to match any design

<img src="/img/2017/07/google-spectral-796x378.jpg" alt=""> Google has added its very first ‘parametric’ font that boasts a responsive design which you can easily tweak without almost any limitations. Source: New &lsquo;responsive&rsquo; Google Font can shapeshift to match any design

Ancient, giant viruses are being unearthed in Arctic ice that's at risk of melting

<img src="/img/2017/05/original.jpg" alt=""> Scientists working in the Arctic circle over the past few decades have unearthed several massive viruses that some say could be re-awakened if the permafrost that imprisons them dissolves. Recently, some researchers have suggested that these enormous viruses could thaw out, escape, and make lots of people sick. It sounds like something out of a 1990s horror film. But you shouldn’t get too concerned — at least not yet.

Everything You Need to Know About Nuclear Physics

[embed][/embed] Shini from the YouTube series CrashCourse takes a dive into the world of Einstein and nuclear physics. Source: Everything You Need to Know About Nuclear Physics

Quantum Computing Demands a Whole New Kind of Programmer

[![](/img/2017/05/quantum-computing-whole-new-kind-of-programmer-1-1068x601.jpg)]( computers finally seem to be coming of age with promises of “quantum supremacy” by the end of the year. But there’s a problem—very few people know how to work them. The bold claim of achieving "quantum supremacy" came on the back of Google unveiling a new quantum chip design. The hyperbolic phrase essentially means building a quantum device that can perform a calculation impossible for any conventional computer. The technology has a major challenge to overcome.

Nanofridge could keep quantum computers cool enough to calculate

<img src="/img/2017/05/lead_fig2.jpg" alt=""> Quantum computers need to be kept cool, just like regular computers, but an ordinary fan won’t cut it. A nanofridge that sorts electrons by temperature just might keep it cool enough to allow quantum compute. Classical computers require built-in fans and other ways to dissipate heat, and quantum computers are no different. Instead of working with bits of information that can be either 0 or 1, as in a classical machine, a quantum computer relies on “qubits”, which can be in both states simultaneously – called a superposition – thanks to the quirks of quantum mechanics.

MIT physicists have found a brand new way to unleash graphene's superconductive power

<img src="/img/2017/05/mit-graphene-semiconductors_0.jpg" alt=""> Physicists have found a new way to turn 'wonder material' graphene into a ridiculously powerful superconductor, capable of shuttling electricity with zero resistance. That’s important, because if we could find a way to achieve superconductivity at room temperature, it would lead to vastly more efficient electronic devices, not to mention power lines. Right now, energy companies are losing about 7 percent of their energy as heat as a result of resistance in the grid.

What if we’re living in a computer simulation? | Technology | The Guardian

<img src=";q=55&amp;auto=format&amp;usm=12&amp;fit=max&amp;s=85e6a8e12d37b3885dff8a5fd5ca19d2" alt=""> Virtual reality technology is making great advances, but it has also helped popularise a theory long debated by philosophers and now gaining supporters in Silicon Valley – that the outside world is itself a simulation Source: What if we’re living in a computer simulation? | Technology | The Guardian

India's Isro launches 104 satellites in a single mission to create world record

India’s Isro’s [] PSLV-C37 in a single payload, included the Cartosat-2 series and 103 co-passenger satellites, together weighing over 650kg Great achievement especially considering only three of the 103 satellites belonged to India making this mission one of the most business sense launch of this century! Kudos to India! Read more about it at the link below. Source: Isro launches 104 satellites in a single mission to create world record - Livemint

Materials science: How to keep cool without costing the Earth

<img src="/img/2017/02/20170211_stp504.jpg" alt=""> The new film works by a process called radiative cooling. This takes advantage of that fact that Earth’s atmosphere allows certain wavelengths of heat-carrying infrared radiation to escape into space unimpeded. Convert unwanted heat into infrared of the correct wavelength, then, and you can dump it into the cosmos with no come back. …their film, placed atop an average American house, would be enough to keep the internal temperature at 20°C on a day when it was 37°C outside.

Happy New Year 2017

<img src="/img/2017/01/happynewyear2016.png" alt="happynewyear2016"> தங்களுக்கும், தங்கள் குடும்பததினொறுக்கும் எங்கள் புத்தாண்டு நள்வாழ்த்துக்கள். ( Tamil ) Wishing you and your family a happy new year 2017. Cheers! _Today's inspirational quote:_ [![bust_of_marcusaurelius](/img/2016/11/bust_of_marcusaurelius.jpg)](/img/2016/11/bust_of_marcusaurelius.jpg) Take inventory of this past year. Realize what is up to us and what is not up to us. We can control our emotions, our decisions, our perspectives, and our desires. We have a say in how these things go. These are things that are up to us.

Repost: Mapping the End of Malaria

Mapping the End of Malaria by Bill Gates <img src="/img/2016/11/endmalariacampaign1.png" alt="endmalariacampaign"> The article discusses two important points: How Malaria is putting mosquitoes as the #1 deadliest lifeform that kills humans? (Interestingly humans are the #2 lifeform that kills our own species) And what has/is being done to change this through the Gates Foundation in the developing countries. As well as the positive, measurable changes that can be seen from the last decade.

Appeals Court Hands Obama Administration Major Win In Net Neutrality Case

Appeals Court Hands Obama Administration Major Win In Net Neutrality Case The Obama administration’s rules prevent internet service providers from charging content producers for faster or more reliable service, a practice known as “paid prioritization.” The rules also ban blocking and purposefully slowing the traffic of lawful services, and apply to both mobile and fixed broadband service. Today’s ruling is a victory for consumers and innovators who deserve unfettered access to the entire web, and it ensures the internet remains a platform for unparalleled innovation, free expression and economic growth