
Converted Hosted Blog to Hugo Static Blog :-)

Converted Hosted Blog to Hugo Static Blog :-)

Summary Thanks to Hugo Static Site generator written in GoLang and Mainroad Theme, I was able to port over my personal blog DigitalRiver as a static generated website. Before and After Here is a screenshot of the belore site: DigitalRiver under Wordpress hosting Here is a screenshot of the belore site: DigitalRiver under Wordpress hosting I think it’s a move in the right direction. Putting me in complete control of the content, images and all artifacts that goes into bundling the site.

Two static website generators explored - Hugo & Jekyll

Today I had to quickly assemble a wiki/blog website for our family temple back in India. At first, I considered doing my traditional option to leverage Wordpress (this blog uses Wordpress). Then I thought of all the complexities of setting up a MySQL database, creating and registering the site with WP Jetpack, etc. I wanted something quick, easy to maintain and something that I can hand over to someone else for maintaining.