
Egyptian History as we know today

<img src="/img/2016/03/pharoah_ramses_british_museum.jpg" alt="Pharoah_Ramses_British_Museum"> Much of the Egyptian/Nubian history and culture we know today was a result of colonization by the European empires. In their thirst for expansion, they colonized much of the known world. In India, the Dutch, the Portuguese then the British all came under the name of colonization and expansion. They came in search of new trade-routes to the orient and as history has it, the interests of trade slowly turned into colonization and expansion of the empire.

My daughter found a four-leaf clover the day before Saint Patrick's Day

My daughter found a four-leaf clover the day before Saint Patrick’s Day! Talk about luck! four-leaf clover According to the Wikipedia article: It has been estimated that there are approximately 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every one four-leaf clover <img src="/img/2016/03/four-leaf-clover.jpg?w=1024" alt="four-leaf-clover"> She should have played the lottery!

Fixing vim editor for dark backgrounds so comments are not dark blue

<img src="/img/2016/03/vim_logo.png" alt="vim_logo"> Here is a simple command that can fix your vim editor for dark backgrounds so that your comments are not showing up in dark blue (unreadable). Example screenshot: <img src="/img/2016/03/vim-example.png" alt="vim-example"> The temporary fix is to run the following command in the vim editor: :set background=dark instead of :set background=light The permanent fix for this is to add the command inside $HOME/.vimrc file set background=dark Please note that when you’re adding the property into the .

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year

<img src="/img/2015/12/happynewyear.png" alt="HappyNewYear"> Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Please feel free to copy the banner and use it on your site or share with others!

Welcome to the Age Of Light: Two BIG innovations in Graphene and nano technology can forge a new future for mankind

#AgeOfLight <img src="/img/2015/08/ageoflight.jpg" alt="AgeOfLight"> As I was reading today’s news (Science) breakthroughs, I came across two independent discovery/invention but combined makes a HUGE breakthrough and paves the way for a BIGHTER FUTURE!!! If this peeks your interest read further. [#1] Invention: Manufacturing Graphene using Tea-Extract What problem does this solve? Today, manufacturing Graphene takes a lot of time and can only produce/grow small amounts of the material. It takes a lot of energy, raw-material and time - to produce the small quantities of the product.

Interesting pics from our trip to India

Interesting pics from our trip to India I took this shot from a higher elevation against the backdrop of the Gopura (vimana) of our ancestral family temple in Kaniyur, Tamil Nadu, India. Google photo animation stitched the pictures to create the animation. <img src="/img/2015/07/20150623_123205_001-animation.gif" alt="20150623_123205_001-ANIMATION"> <img src="/img/2015/07/20150623_123200.jpg?w=1024" alt="20150623_123200">

Wordpress Export Import Site Escaped Character Challenges - "

When you export a Wordpress site and import the site into a new Wordpress site you will notice that a few HTML entities that are not allowed in an XML output got escaped. In simple terms, you will see a lot of " and if you use a Mac OSx system, your will see - “ and ” displayed as content in your blog pages. Well here’s a way to correct them.

Ingenious Idea : Whitelines + iPhone = Great Wireframing/Design Tool

I’m an Android user and today I’m wishing I owned a iPhone or iPad after seeing this idea… It’s called Whitelines . To create a printable paper that uses “white-lines” instead of the usual “solid-black/blue lines” and to take it a step further to add some scan marks such that a iPhone can take a digital picture of your notes and make it available online. The possibilities are endless. Here how the process works:

Desktop timer for Pomodoro Technique users

If you are looking to improve your productivity when you are working on a mindful task then Pomodoro Technique is the way. It’s a technique where you sit for twenty-five minutes at a time focused on one task. At the end of the cycle, you take a “required” short break and then start on your next cycle. Why twenty-five minutes and not thirty? If you find out why, let me know.

Tired of "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?", try this

When you invoke a batch file or most applications in a command-prompt and when you wish to close the application by doing a CTRL+C, you get the annoying “Terminate batch job (Y/N)?” prompt. And in most cases, even if you type a “n”, it still kills the application. Example is the Tomcat startup. To avoid this, try this: [sourcecode language=“jscript”] YourScript.cmd < Nul [/sourcecode] This should no longer ask you with the annoying prompt “Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

questions and thoughts about twitter

I’ve been using Twitter for sometime now. And I’ve always wondered about the settings in Twitter, especially one particular setting - “public vs private”. Let me first review the setting. If you set your privacy settings to “private”, then all posts after that time-line will only be available to the followers that you have allowed. And if at some point of time, you decide to toggle it to “public”, then all posts (even the ones you sent in the past - as private) becomes open to the public.

Neat little tool for your browser toolkit -

Found a neat little browser download helper tool. It’s one that I’ll be using and it’s definitely a tool to add to your browser toolkit bookmarks. Ever been in a situation where you wanted to download a file at the office but the particular extension is not allowed at the company. Well, this tool might help you in those situations. It’s called Grab-N-Zip ( ) You enter your URL to the file that you are trying to “grab” from the internet.

Opening a link in a PDF document in a new window

Open Link In PDF In New Window Sometimes you like to link out to other URL’s or other PDF’s from within a PDF document. And you will notice that this replaces the existing HTML frame (if you had served the original PDF from a website) or window with the new document making it hard to navigate. In these cases, you would prefer to open the link in the PDF onto it’s own new window.