
Converted Hosted Blog to Hugo Static Blog :-)

Converted Hosted Blog to Hugo Static Blog :-)

Summary Thanks to Hugo Static Site generator written in GoLang and Mainroad Theme, I was able to port over my personal blog DigitalRiver as a static generated website. Before and After Here is a screenshot of the belore site: DigitalRiver under Wordpress hosting Here is a screenshot of the belore site: DigitalRiver under Wordpress hosting I think it’s a move in the right direction. Putting me in complete control of the content, images and all artifacts that goes into bundling the site.

Mind Map: A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma

Mind Map: A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma

Based on this YouTube video: By Robin Sharma on “A Method To x100 Your Productivity”. Great video on how to improve your productivity by hundred fold. Mind map provided below for the busy folks. Cheers! Today's Inspirational Quote <img src="/img/2017/09/avvaiyar.jpg" alt="avvaiyar" width="50" align="left" class="imgframe" > ** Tamil **: கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கட்காதது உலகளவு. ** English Pronounciation **: Katrathu Kaiman Alavu Kallathathu Ulagalavu ** English Translation **: Known is a drop, unknown is an ocean.

Ancient, giant viruses are being unearthed in Arctic ice that's at risk of melting

<img src="/img/2017/05/original.jpg" alt=""> Scientists working in the Arctic circle over the past few decades have unearthed several massive viruses that some say could be re-awakened if the permafrost that imprisons them dissolves. Recently, some researchers have suggested that these enormous viruses could thaw out, escape, and make lots of people sick. It sounds like something out of a 1990s horror film. But you shouldn’t get too concerned — at least not yet.

Everything You Need to Know About Nuclear Physics

[embed][/embed] Shini from the YouTube series CrashCourse takes a dive into the world of Einstein and nuclear physics. Source: Everything You Need to Know About Nuclear Physics

Quantum Computing Demands a Whole New Kind of Programmer

[![](/img/2017/05/quantum-computing-whole-new-kind-of-programmer-1-1068x601.jpg)]( computers finally seem to be coming of age with promises of “quantum supremacy” by the end of the year. But there’s a problem—very few people know how to work them. The bold claim of achieving "quantum supremacy" came on the back of Google unveiling a new quantum chip design. The hyperbolic phrase essentially means building a quantum device that can perform a calculation impossible for any conventional computer. The technology has a major challenge to overcome.

Nanofridge could keep quantum computers cool enough to calculate

<img src="/img/2017/05/lead_fig2.jpg" alt=""> Quantum computers need to be kept cool, just like regular computers, but an ordinary fan won’t cut it. A nanofridge that sorts electrons by temperature just might keep it cool enough to allow quantum compute. Classical computers require built-in fans and other ways to dissipate heat, and quantum computers are no different. Instead of working with bits of information that can be either 0 or 1, as in a classical machine, a quantum computer relies on “qubits”, which can be in both states simultaneously – called a superposition – thanks to the quirks of quantum mechanics.

MIT physicists have found a brand new way to unleash graphene's superconductive power

<img src="/img/2017/05/mit-graphene-semiconductors_0.jpg" alt=""> Physicists have found a new way to turn 'wonder material' graphene into a ridiculously powerful superconductor, capable of shuttling electricity with zero resistance. That’s important, because if we could find a way to achieve superconductivity at room temperature, it would lead to vastly more efficient electronic devices, not to mention power lines. Right now, energy companies are losing about 7 percent of their energy as heat as a result of resistance in the grid.

What if we’re living in a computer simulation? | Technology | The Guardian

<img src=";q=55&amp;auto=format&amp;usm=12&amp;fit=max&amp;s=85e6a8e12d37b3885dff8a5fd5ca19d2" alt=""> Virtual reality technology is making great advances, but it has also helped popularise a theory long debated by philosophers and now gaining supporters in Silicon Valley – that the outside world is itself a simulation Source: What if we’re living in a computer simulation? | Technology | The Guardian

Happy New Year 2017

<img src="/img/2017/01/happynewyear2016.png" alt="happynewyear2016"> தங்களுக்கும், தங்கள் குடும்பததினொறுக்கும் எங்கள் புத்தாண்டு நள்வாழ்த்துக்கள். ( Tamil ) Wishing you and your family a happy new year 2017. Cheers! _Today's inspirational quote:_ [![bust_of_marcusaurelius](/img/2016/11/bust_of_marcusaurelius.jpg)](/img/2016/11/bust_of_marcusaurelius.jpg) Take inventory of this past year. Realize what is up to us and what is not up to us. We can control our emotions, our decisions, our perspectives, and our desires. We have a say in how these things go. These are things that are up to us.

Repost: Mapping the End of Malaria

Mapping the End of Malaria by Bill Gates <img src="/img/2016/11/endmalariacampaign1.png" alt="endmalariacampaign"> The article discusses two important points: How Malaria is putting mosquitoes as the #1 deadliest lifeform that kills humans? (Interestingly humans are the #2 lifeform that kills our own species) And what has/is being done to change this through the Gates Foundation in the developing countries. As well as the positive, measurable changes that can be seen from the last decade.

Will the Real Schrodinger’s Cat Please Stand Up | Hackaday

Interesting read on Schrodinger’s Cat and papers from Einstein. The story of Schrodinger’s cat is well known, and one of quantum theory’s most popular phrases on the world stage. You can find his cat on t-shirts, bumper stickers, internet memes and the like. However, few know the origins of the cat, and how it came into being. In this article we’re going to explore not so much the cat, but the meaning behind the thought experiment and what it is meant to convey, while keeping it simple enough for anyone to understand.

Photos from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

<img src="/img/2016/10/nationalshrine.png" alt="nationalshrine"> <img src="/img/2016/10/nationalshrine1.png" alt="nationalshrine"> Recently visited the Basilica of the National Shrine and each time I visit this beautiful place I’m spellbound. It is one of the hidden gems to visit when you are visiting the capital. Here are some pictures from my recent visit. Click here for the photos from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Michigan Avenue, Washington, DC. The beautiful murals are a work of art!

It's weekend!

<img src="/img/2016/10/friday_joke_vguhesan_20161014.png?w=1024" alt="friday_joke_vguhesan_20161014"> To learn more about where the joke came from, click this link .

First baseball game ever at Yankees Stadium, Bronx - Yankees vs. Orioles

First baseball game ever! Pictures from the Yankees Stadium, Bronx - Yankees vs. Orioles. Unfortunately Orioles lost that game on Saturday. They won the game on Sunday 5-2. <img src="/img/2016/10/img_20161001_164414.jpg?w=1024" alt="img_20161001_164414"> <img src="/img/2016/10/img_20161001_164342.jpg?w=1024" alt="img_20161001_164342"> <img src="/img/2016/10/img_20161001_164327.jpg?w=1024" alt="img_20161001_164327"> <img src="/img/2016/10/img_20161001_163114.jpg?w=1024" alt="img_20161001_163114">

Lessons learnt from camping in the midst of a flood

This past weekend when Ellicott City was hit with the worst storm in over hundred years, we ended up camping out in Rocky Gap State Park. Last year when we were out camping it rained a little and I had no tarp below my tent. So as soon as I got home last season, I ordered a tarp and had it ready this time. But some lessons are learned the hard way.

Horrific floods in Ellicott City - Maryland and walk-up walk-down basement drain problem

This past week, Ellicott City, Maryland had one of the worst floods in a long time. You can see some of the devastation that it has caused in this link . Fortunately, only my basement had a little bit of flooding. But interestingly, this has been the second flooding in over a month. This made me question the drain at the bottom of the walk-down/walk-up basement. Here is a picture of the drain at the bottom of the stairwell.

Bizarre fourth state of water discovered

Bizarre fourth state of water discovered Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) have discovered that when (water) put under extreme pressure in small spaces, the life-giving liquid can exhibit a strange fourth state known as "tunneling". Quantum tunneling means that a particle, or in this case a molecule, can overcome a barrier and be on both sides of it at once – or anywhere in between. Think of rolling a ball down one side of a hill and up another.

Article: The spherical genius of the Hüttlin Kugelmotor

The spherical genius of the Hüttlin Kugelmotor Electrical motors are an energy-efficient method for driving vehicles but battery technology is simply not going to advance quickly enough for all-electric vehicles to be a practical reality for most uses anytime soon. The near and mid-term future is undoubtedly a combination of compact combustion engine generators charging dense battery packs that drive electric motors - the "range extender" option. After nearly twenty years of development another “range extender” candidate is going through final testing and it is a work of elegant genius - Dr.