Go lang - Revel Web Framework - .gitignore file starter sample

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<img src="/img/2016/01/gorevelframework.png" alt="gorevelframework"> For those of you trying to create a new Go Language - Revel Web Framework based project, here is a sample .gitignore file.

But before I provide you with the information, we need to discuss the project structure. If you visit the Revel site here , you will see their organization structure of a Revel project. In my case, their my_gocode/ folder is much deeper in what I store in my BitBucket account (or GitHub for that matter).

├── code
│   ├── bin
│   │   └── revel
│   ├── pkg
│   └── src
│       ├── github.com
│       ├── golang.org
│       ├── gopkg.in
│       └── mywebsite.com
│           └── web
│               ├── app
│               │   ├── controllers
│               │   │   └── app.go
│               │   ├── init.go
│               │   └── views
│               │       ├── App
│               │       │   └── Index.html
│               │       ├── debug.html
│               │       ├── errors
│               │       │   ├── 404.html
│               │       │   └── 500.html
│               │       ├── flash.html
│               │       ├── footer.html
│               │       └── header.html
│               ├── conf
│               │   ├── app.conf
│               │   └── routes
│               ├── messages
│               │   └── sample.en
│               ├── public
│               │   ├── css
│               │   │   └── bootstrap.css
│               │   ├── img
│               │   │   ├── favicon.png
│               │   │   ├── glyphicons-halflings.png
│               │   │   └── glyphicons-halflings-white.png
│               │   └── js
│               │       └── jquery-1.9.1.min.js
│               ├── README.md
│               └── tests
│                   └── apptest.go
├── design
│   ├── logo-design1.png
│   ├── logo-design1.psd
│   ├── logo-final.png
│   └── logo-design2.psd
├── resources
│   └── some-materialcss-templates

As you can see my structure also includes some PhotoShop artefacts that also needs to be stored in my BitBucket (GIT) project. In my case, I want to ignore some of the go lang artefacts and revel artefacts.

So in the project-root, I created a .gitignore with the following contents relative to my project-root:


The above tells GIT to ignore the “github.com/”, “golang.org/” and “gopkg.in/**” subdirectories. As you add additional dependencies, you can revise and add to the above .gitignore file as needed.
